Monday, May 10, 2010

Hurray For Free Online Tools!!

Is there anything that Google doesn't have a hand in? Exploring this week's assignment has opened my eyes to the possibilities of online tools. In fact, it has opened my eyes to the EXISTENCE of online tools. I had no idea that this stuff was even out there.

Will free online tools replace MS Office? We can only hope. One thing I really appreciate about online tools is their availability to everyone. You don't even need to own a computer to use them. I really dislike when a computer company "upgrades" their current system and you lose so many functional programs only to find the "improvements" to be, at best, pale imitations of the previous programs, or, if the gods are feeling impish, completely unusable. The thought that the upgrades are actually expensive leaves me feeling...oh so many different emotions... So, my thought is that free services will actually prove to be more democratic and more functional. Funny how free things tend to hang around the longest. It's not necessarily because they are free, but they tend not to get monkeyed with as much...just that old adage in play..."if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Will I use these tools? I can't see me using the calendar. I tend to write in things like my work shifts, doctors' appointments, coffee dates, and the like. It's not like I'm a busy soccer mom with 17 schedules to coordinate. Besides I like having my time as my own; do I really want everyone and his dog knowing what I'm up to and when? Nope.

I can, however, see myself using the MS Document and Excel. My husband and I just bought a house and we have lots of figures to sort out and lots of tasks to delegate. We just don't seem to have a compatible work schedule to get all the work done. Agreeing on tasks before we even get home could be just the ticket.

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